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2020. 8. 12. 2021. 3. 7. · Windows® 8.1 or Windows® 10 peer-to-peer networks (NAS is not supported) ※Microsoft®.NET Framework 4.7.2, including DirectX Dependency for .NET; requires an additional 280 MB to 850 MB ※Excel®, Outlook®, and Word integration requires Microsoft Excel, Outlook, and Word 2007, 2010, 2013 , 2016 or 2019 (New) 2020. 8. 12. 2021. 2. 22. · Answer. The underlying platform for Studio is the 3.x version of Eclipse and CDT (C/C++ Development Tools Project). This platform does not support Java 8, and we don't test with Java 8. Although we ship a known compatible JRE 6 for Windows, MacOS Studio (Eclipse) uses what is on your system by default unless you tell it to use a different JRE or JDK.

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希望,阅读本文后,您将对Windows 10激活的工作方式以及Microsoft为什么在其中 收费的原因更加了解。 从第三方网站免费下载Windows 10. 您可能听说过朋友或  Develop unit tests, and learn about Universal Windows Platform (UWP) unit testing that's supported on Windows 10 IoT Core. Windows 10 物联网核心版(Windows10 IoT Core) 是专门为树莓派 (Raspberry Pi)、MinnowBoard Max 这样的廉价迷你电脑设备「免费」推出的